June 9th, 2020 — How to integrate grammar

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

In class

At the beginning of the class, the professor presented a standard model to teach best known as PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production). This model goes from accuracy to fluency and people criticize it because it seems to take the language acquisition as a simple process that can be successfully achieved by just following some steps.

After discussed the PPP model, the teacher provided an alternative model that focuses on fluency first and from there, goes to accuracy. This model is called Task-based and it considers errors and feedbacks a crucial element in the acquisition of a language.

My comments

When I first knew of PPP, I rationally understood it and thought that it was the way a class should be taught; however, when I have the chance to learn the Content-based instruction approach, I realized that there is more than one way to teach a language. And now, I also learned task-based learning; I like it because learners can use the language naturally and spontaneously, and not focusing on just one particular structure and making drills around it.

It is important for teachers to investigate and take the best of all the approaches and create their own, a unique one that fits their teaching context.

